
Meet Us @ Global Media Forum 2018

When: 11--13 June, 2018 Where: World Conference Center & Deutsche Welle HQ, Bonn, Germany What is it? To quote the official website: "The Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum (GMF) is the place Made for Minds, where decision-makers and influencers from all over the world come together. Connect and collaborate with over 2,000 inspiring representatives from the fields of journalism, digital media, politics, culture, business, development, academia and civil society to tackle problems and brainstorm solutions to the challenges facing global media development."

Why are we there?

Well, we've always been a part of it–and will be again this year:

  • We're hosting an AR and DDJ hackathon ("Visualizing global inequalities") together with the BBC News Labs. Please note this event is already fully booked. We cordially intive you to join the final presentation and award ceremony, though (June 13th, 14:00h, WCC, main stage).

  • We're hosting a drone workshop (focus: drones in media production, drone cinematography) together with the University of Bristol (June 13th, 14:00h, location tba).

  • We also contribute to the regular program:

  • Eva Lopez will join a "Meet The Editor" session and introduce DW's data team (June 12th, 14:00h, WCC, Neuer Saal)

  • Tilman Wagner will partake in a panel dedicated to "Drones in journalism: Uncovering new perspectives?" (June 13th, 10:00h, Room Berlin)

  • Peggy van der Kreeft will do a presentation on "News.bridge: Automated translation–are we there yet?" (June 13th, 11:30h, WCC, Rondel)

  • Eva Lopez and Alexander Plaum will talk about "Fader, VRappr, Walls AR: Immersive journalism at DW" (June 13th, 12:00h, WCC, Rondel)

Check out the complete GMF schedule on the event's new official website.

If you're interested in our work, please find us and say hi. Get in touch any time via Twitter.

Follow the event via the hashtag #dw_gmf.

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