Meet Us @ Language Technology (and AI) Events in Berlin and Geneva
,AI-driven human language technology (HLT) is getting a lot of attention these days. And since we’re involved in several projects dealing with topics like automatic speech recognition (ASR), neural machine translation (NMT), or summarization, it means we’re frequently asked to share insights and do networking at HLT events. This week, we’re actually headed to three workshops in two cities:
First stop is Freie Universität Berlin. On November 7th, at 11:00h, our Peggy van der Kreeft and Olga Kisselman will give a talk on the "audio-visual analysis of media content at public broadcasters". Focal points will be the EU-funded SUMMA effort as well as two Google DNI projects, namely news.bridge and Sixth Sense Retrieval. The talk is part of the FU's Workshop on Corpus Analysis of Time-Based Arts and Media.
Stop #2 is a meeting dedicated to The Impact of AI on Media which is hosted by the EBU in Geneva and will take place on November 8th and 9th. On the first day at 14:30h, Peggy will discuss "Language technologies to support enhanced cross-lingual media monitoring and automated subtitling", once again with an eye on SUMMA and news.bridge.
The third and final stop will be the Access Services Plenary. It's also hosted by the EBU, and it will also take place in Geneva on November 8th and 9th. On the second day at 11:20h, Peggy will discuss "Human language techology applications at Deutsche Welle".
If you're in Berlin or Geneva and interested in HLT, make sure to find us and have a chat!
Photo by rawpixel/Unsplash