Meet Us @ the EDMO Annual Conference and Training
,When: 13-14 June 2022 Where: Brussels, Belgium What is it? It's the annual conference of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), followed by a half-day training session. Conference topics are focusing on the understanding, detection, and tackling of disinformation–be it in the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, or other events.
In the course of the 1.5 days conference, experts and stakeholders will share insights as well as discuss a wide range of topics. This includes, but is not limited to:
disinformation around the war in Ukraine and what to do about it
the relation between neuroscience and disinformation
national and multinational efforts to strengthen media and information literacy
developments surrounding the Code of Practice on Disinformation
access to data for research purposes
Furthermore, attendees can find out what EDMO partners have done so far in this EU-funded initiative, and what is planned for the remaining runtime. Bringing together international media folks, policy experts, academics, fact-checkers, regulators, and members of civil society organizations, the event will provide ample networking opportunities.
After the EDMO conference, in the afternoon of June 14th, there will also be a practice-oriented training session. In it, practitioners and experts will showcase past investigations and point to ingredients as well as challenges when it comes to fact-checking digital data and dealing with disinformation.
Why are we there?
We are there for various reasons.
To start with, we have played an active part in supporting the European Digital Media Observatory with research into and mapping of factchecking activities in Europe. The event is thus a great opportunity for us to get together with both colleagues and research subjects. Which brings us to the second aspect of our presence: networking.
Due to the Corona pandemic, next to nothing has happened in terms of face to face meetings for more than two years. Hence it is high time to get out and meet in person again–to see what kind of collaborative verification work can be done in the future, and to reflect on past projects.
Another reason for attendance is that our Jochen Spangenberg (who also serves as a member of the EDMO Advisory Board) will be a co-moderator of the training session–and give a keynote speech.
Check out the full programme of the EDMO Annual Conference 2022 and training here (JPG file).
An agenda of and more information about the training session that runs on 14 June from 2–6 pm can be found here.
If you are coming to the conference or training and would like to meet up and discuss whatever, don't hesitate to get in touch with Jochen Spangenberg who will be present over the entire duration of the event.