Meet Us @ WeMuV2015
,When: 29 June 2015 Where: Torino Incontra, Centro Congressi, Torino, Italy What is it? The availability of devices with multimedia capabilities (e.g. smartphones), available bandwidth and networking capabilities, plus the ever increasing use of social media such as Twitter and Facebook have led to an explosion of user-generated content, or eyewitness media. Increasingly, such content is being used for reporting stories or documenting events. Establishing the authenticity and veracity of eyewitness media is an increasingly challenging task, especially in settings where time is a scarce resource (e.g. in breaking news reporting) or the amount of data to be analyzed is significantly large. In turn, failure to verify multimedia content may have severe consequences ranging from personal and brand reputation damage to widespread panic among civilians in the case of natural disasters.
The Workshop on Web Multimedia Verification (#WeMuV2015–held in conjunction with ICME 2015 conference) aims to highlight the research challenges and new problems arising in settings such as those illustrated above. It calls for new approaches, studies, evaluation methodologies and resources that could contribute to better address the research challenges surrounding the verification of multimedia user-generated content.
Why are we there?
The workshop is jointly organized by the research projects MAVEN and REWIND (now completed) as well as REVEAL–which is one of the projects we're highly involved in. Furthermore, DW Innovation's Jochen Spangenberg has been asked to deliver the keynote speech for the event, as he is part of the REVEAL Project Team. His talk will focus on "User Generated Content and its Implications for Journalism–Focus on Verification."
If you want to meet us at the Web Multimedia Verification Workshop in Torino, come and join us there or get in contact with Jochen Spangenberg. We will also report about the event via our DW Innovation Twitter channel. For a broader view of the event itself, you may want to follow the official hashtag: #WeMuV2015.