A group of six people having a discussion on a stage at Immersive Tech Week, above them a big screen feat. six avatars | by JaynoBrk
XR & Immersive Journalism

Meet us @ Immersive Tech Week

When? November 28th - December 1st, 2023

Where? De Doelen (Rotterdam, NL)

What is it? Immersive Tech Week is one of Europe's (and the world's) biggest and most relevant festivals/fairs dedicated to technologies like AR, VR, spatial computing, and haptics.

The event is about business, creativity, innovation, and research; it brings together industry leaders, artists, academics, policymakers, researchers, and media people.

Why are we there?

XR continues to be one of our focus topics, and Immersive Week is a great place to learn about new concepts and gadgets. It's also nice to meet some of our partners and colleagues in person again. Last, but not least, we're part of the program via two of our EU-funded XR projects:

  • XReco (or more specifically: Sound) will host a workshop on human-centered design on November 29th (12:45-13:45, more details here).

  • SERMAS will be represented via f6s (Tradeshow Booth #18, all week, ask about XR funding opportunities!)

If you'd like to have a chat and a coffee with one of our innovation managers, there are plenty of opportunities: Nico Patz, Alexander Plaum and Axel Primavesi will be in town for the better part of the week. Feel free to get in touch with them, ideally via LinkedIn (contact details on our team page).

More informaton on the event and tickets: immersivetechweek.co

See you soon in Rotterdam!

Alexander Plaum